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  • Sit on your mat
  • Bring the soles of your feet together, close to the pelvis
  • Hold onto your feet
  • Draw the knees down
  • Stay for 10 -15 breaths
Asana in Depth
Baddha Koṇāsana, also known as the bound angle pose, is a great way to enhance hip flexibility. The feet are bound together and the knees are open apart, creating a triangular base between the pelvis and the knees.

Start by sitting down on your mat. Bring the soles of your feet together, and draw the heels in to the pelvis. Bring the feet as close to the pelvis as possible. Grab hold of your feet by wrapping your hands around the feet from the outsides. This will give you a good grip. Ensure that the outer edges of the feet keep pressing into each other. Gently draw the knees down into the ground, without placing too much pressure on them. Keep the spine straight and lengthen up through the top of your head. Stay here for ten to fifteen breaths.

If your knees are quite high up and do not go down toward the ground then you can sit on a block, or on two blankets placed on top of each other. This will allow you to be more comfortable in the pose and assist in the gentle opening of the hips. You can also place some blankets under the thighs, to prevent the groins from tightening too much. To go deeper in this pose you can bend forward from the hip joints, bending the elbows and playing them confront of the legs on the ground. Ensure that the spine stays lengthened and the upper back doesn’t round.

This asana stimulates the abdominal organs. It gives a gentle massage to the ovaries and helps with menstrual disorders or associated pains. It also massages the prostate gland. It is a great hip opener while it stretches the inner thighs and groins. It also helps in relieving sciatic pains.

The contra indications are knee or groin injuries. You can place blankets under your knees and under the buttocks as a support.
Major Benefits
  • Stretches inner thighs and groins
  • Opens the hips
  • Stimulates inner organs
  • Relieves sciatic pain
Contra Indications
  • Knee injuries / Groin injuries
Anatomy Basics
  • Lengthens gracilis
  • Lengthens adductor muscle

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