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  • Lie down on your mat
  • Bring the knees up into the chest
  • Open the arms at shoulder level
  • Drop the knees to your right side
  • Turn your head to the left
  • Stay for 10-15 breaths
  • Repeat on the other side
Asana in Depth
The reclined twist is a relaxing twist and great way to relief the back of any stiffness. It can be done toward the end of a practice so that the spine feels balanced.

Start by lying down on your mat. Bring the knees together and pull them up into the chest. Open your arms out to the sides, at shoulder level. Face the palms up so that the shoulders remain relaxed and the chest stays open. Then slowly bring the knees over to the right side, close to the right arm. You can place your right hand on your knee to gently pull it down. Turn your head and look toward the left side. Draw the left shoulder down into the floor. With every exhalation, come a little deeper into the twist. Stay on this side of ten to fifteen breaths and then slowly come up. Repeat on the other side.

There are several variations to the reclined twist. You can also do a single legged twist: Keep the legs straight, and place the left foot on top the right knee. With the right hand, pull the knee down to the right side as you look over to the left. Stay on this side of ten to fifteen breaths and then slowly come up. Repeat on the other side.
Another variation is to come into the twist with “garudasana legs”, by folding the legs around each other. When you first twist to the right side, bring the left leg over and around the right. Then slowly drop the legs down to the right side, close to the arm. Stay, and repeat on the other side.

One of the benefits of this posture is that it energises the spine and brings rejuvenation. It encourages the release of synovial fluids, which keep the bones lubricated. By massaging the internal organs, especially the liver, kidneys and stomach, it works as a detoxifying pose. Further, it opens the chest by drawing the shoulder back, and stretches the hips.

The contra indications are back injuries. Be gentle in your twist if you have recently injured your back
Major Benefits
  • Rejuvenate the spine
  • Stretches the chest
  • Detoxifies the body
Contra Indications
  • Back injuries
Anatomy Basics
  • Concentric contraction of spinal extensors
  • Engages rhomboids
  • Stretches hip flexors
  • Stretches pectoralis major

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